In this section, you find some information about ABAQUS. Here many frequently asked questions have been answered. As usual, if your have any question you can leave it in comments.

Static, quasi-static and dynamic

Static, quasi-static and dynamic properties These technical terms are usually a bit confusing for beginners and occasional users. This article is aimed to explain the differences and assumptions of each term. A static problem is when acceleration is zero. Therefore, based on newton law the sum of all forces is equal to mass multiplied by […]

Finite Element Method

Finite elements method is quite easy in comparison with analytical methods, , however if the user misuse it the outcome will be inaccurate or even wrong. As a result, any numerical model must be verified by experiments or field measurements. Only then the model is acceptable for use. Since there is no specific guidelines for […]

Node Label and How to Activate them ?

Actually node label is a number to identify the nodes of element . Each node or element has a unique number to be reported in the output file. As a result, whether you want to plot a curve for a specific point or to understand the report file, first you need to extract the labels […]

Plotting Curves in Abaqus?

Plotting curves in ABAQUS is an easy job to do. Once the analysis is completed, to plot any curve related to the analysis, you need to go to visualization module. As it is illustrated in the figures, first open the “ODB ” file which contains the results of the analysis. Select its directory and click […]

ABAQUS standard and explicit???

What is the differences between ABAQUS standard and explicit? This question is the one I hear all the time in my basic classes. To deeply understand the distinction of these solvers let’s make a clear definition of each one. In an Explicit analysis, the matrixes is going to be updated at the end of each […]