Geomembrane and how to implement it?


Geomembrane is a liner with very low permeability installed to control fluid migration. It is usually made of polymeric sheets, however other materials can be used to fabricate it. This material is widely used in different projects such as waste disposal sites, bottom sealing and soil protection.

Geomembrane Designing procedure

Placement of geomembrane requires stability calculations to ensure the efficiency of the construction. friction properties of each of the layers is one of the most important parameters for stability calculation. If the soil is not uniformly layered, the layer with the lowest friction properties is the basis of stability calculations. Other important information are the geometry of ground and geotechnical data.

Construction Process 

First stage of construction is to excavate the area required for lining according to project specifications. Once the area is excavated it is recommended to lay Geotextile to protect the Geomembrane layers which are placed afterwards. Finally, joints must be sealed and welded to prevent any leakage. To ensure the quality of seals,  all joints and welds should be tested.


However this method seems expensive , it is economically reasonable due to longevity of this method.


  • Reagan

    great staff. do you have documented pictures on how to install geomembrane

    • Vahid Shahraini

      Hello my friend, sorry for delay in responding
      unfortunately I dont have documented picture of installation process and it would be a greate help if you give us some. I happy to hear thet these article are interesting for you. if you like you can also subscribe our youtube channel : lessons4civil to see many videos related to different topics of civil engineering
      Many thanks, Vahid Shahraini