In this section, you find some information about ABAQUS. Here many frequently asked questions have been answered. As usual, if your have any question you can leave it in comments.

What is Hourglass and how to solve it

Hourglass and How to Solve It As it is discussed in previous articles, using reduced integration method is an effective solution to avoid shear locking of full integration elements which are subjected to bending moment. But using reduced integration elements has also its own drawbacks. First disadvantage of these elements is that the stiffness of […]

What is plane stress, plain strain, asymmetry?

What is plane stress, plane strain, asymmetry? Obviously, gaining insight before start modeling can be highly profitable in order to boast the precision and reduce the computational expenses. In this article, three main simplification concepts have been introduced. Plane stress assumption: an element is called to be under plane stress condition if the stress vector is zero across a […]

Why ABAQUS is perfect for Civil Engineering

Why ABAQUS is perfect for Civil Engineering Obviously, Finite Element Method (FEM) is one of the most effective methods for numerical modeling. Among several pieces of civil engineering software, which are designed based on FEM,  Plaxis, SAP and Abaqus are probably the most well-known ones. In this article we give you a summary of some […]

convergence issues ABAQUS

Convergence Issues with ABAQUS

Convergence issues are probably the most unpleasant experience of the users. Almost all ABAQUS users have experienced them. To solve such error, first you need to know what has caused it, and then you can take proper strategies. To be honest, convergence is usually one of the most challenging topics in an numerical modeling. Based […]