On this page, general topics related to soil mechanics are published to cover most of important issues. As usual, if you have any question, Please leave it in comments.

Soil Direct Shear Test

General Procedure Direct shear test has been designed to estimate the shear strength properties of soil or rock material. Also it can carried out to gain insight about discontinuities in soil or rock masses. The test is usually carried out on four soil specimens. To reach accurate results, It is important to use relatively undisturbed soil sample. As it is shown […]

Pressuremeter test (PMT)

What is PMT? The pressuremeter test (PMT) is an in-situ test to estimate the amount of some soil parameters such as the elastic modulus. In simple words, PMT is performed by applying pressure to the sidewalls of a borehole, measuring the corresponding soil deformation. Briefly, a probe is placed in the borehole, then it is […]

Dilatometer Test (DMT)

Dilatometer test is an accurate flat instrument, designed to measure the dimensional changes of a wide range of material. This steel blade has a circular expandable steel membrane of 60 mm diameter on one side.                     As this figure shows, first the steel blade is driven […]

Lateral earth pressure

Curabitur suscipit sapien sed turpis vestibulum eget ultricies nunc cursus. Morbi ac velit eget arcu malesuada adipiscing eget cursus.

Nullam pulvinar nibh nec massa vehicula non egestas ante commodo. Nam elementum interdum turpis ac facilisis. Integer odio neque eget, accumsan a bibendum in, pellentesque at nunc arcu id gravida.

Soil Stabilization Techniques

Nam feugiat, ante eget consectetur hendrerit, justo lorem pretium nunc, quis porta lectus nisl nec turpis. Vestibulum tortor magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula consectetur arcu id gravida. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas magna.