Dead Loads

Dead Loads are referred to gravity loads of constant magnitudes and fixed positions that act permanently during the lifespan of the structure. it includes the weights of the structural members itself and that the material and equipment permanently attached to the building. To remain accurate, the weights of permanent equipment, such as air-conditioning systems, should […]

Shear Wall

What are a Shear Wall? Buildings are always subjected to lateral loading. To restrict the lateral deformation of building, some members must be designed to counteract the lateral forces in each directions. One technic is to design shear walls. In simple words, a shear wall is a structural member with high bending stiffness that strengthen […]

Analysis Methods in ETABS

Analysis methods in ETABS is an interesting topic.  ETABS covers 6 different analysis methods which are listed below. Each method has its own advantages and limitations. So in this article I am going to briefly introduce their differences and for comprehensive information about this topic you can watch a video lesson. Linear static analysis Linear […]

ETABS Introduction

What is ETABS? This question might seem a bit trivial at the first look. But for new users these kinds of  basic information can accelerate their learning process. Since 3 decades ago, different pieces of engineering software has been significantly developed. Building constructions has fueled the need for building design software. Among all, ETABS is identified […]