Lime soil stabilization

Lime soil stabilization method is a unique technic to improve the strength of the soil in different projects such as road buildings. Briefly, adding lime increases the soil stability, bearing capacity and reduce its  permeability. The high efficiency of this method has been proven by many projects all over the world. It is noteworthy that […]

Soil Failure Mechanisms

Soil failure mechanisms should be studied in order to design and construct safe structures. Once we recognized the possible failure modes, we can take preventive and remedial measures. In this article you will learn about the failure of foundation, its causes and consequences. Signs of foundation issues In simple word when the foundation fails to […]

Bearing Capacity of Soil?

In simple words, soil bearing capacity is the maximum load per unit area which is tolerable for soil without yielding or extreme deformation. It is a function of soil properties such as shear strength, density, permeability etc. The denser the soil is, the higher bearing capacity it has. As it is obvious, all structures is […]

Soil Stabilization Techniques

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